Please bring the following items and completed forms to your first SB Nutrition appointment:
☐ Completed Patient Information Form and Health History and Nutritional Intake Form (below)
Patient Information Form (PDF)
Health History and Nutrition Intake Form (PDF)
☐ Insurance Card and Driver’s License or ID card.
☐ List of current medications (and dosages), or actual prescription bottles.
☐ Blood sugar meter and testing log (if applicable).
☐ Visit co-payment or full payment if insurance does not cover service (cash, debit or credit card accepted only).
☐ New clients might also need to download the Physician Referral form, below, and give to their doctor for completion:
Physician Referral Form (PDF)
Please download and complete this form when referring patients to our office. Completed forms can be faxed to: 831-886-1800.